Thursday, May 5, 2011

"FLI" away

"Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so they may take hold of that which is life indeed." -1 Timothy 6:18-19

I believe Paul's exhortation to Timothy was exactly what took place at FLI. The professors and staff instructed us to do good, to be rich in good words, generous and ready to share. We stored up for ourselves treasures of a good foundation for the future so that now, we may take hold of that which is life indeed.

Now, it is our turn to instruct others to do the same. It is time for us to "carry the torch" and "pass the baton". The ways each of us pass the baton will look different. Some of us, will be going overseas (yay Berkeley!), others will be heading back to school and many are waiting for God to reveal the next step. However, we all have the duty to speak in Truth and love and instruct others to as well.

Our graduation was such a sweet time. I'm so thankful my mom and Maddison were able to come. It was so fun to show my mom where I had lived, interned and took classes for the past 4 months. Of course, we got a lot of site seeing in as well! It was a blast.

Yes, it may be the end of FLI but it is merely the beginning of the challenge set before me. I am excited to see where the Lord leads next. Thank you for all of yours prayers and support the past few months! I'll leave you with a few pictures from graduation and mom's visit!

I will miss this beautiful view from my window!

 Our class gift..."The most winsomely attractive class ever"
 My awesome life group who I will miss!!

 And these would be my crazy FLI friends:)

 This sums up our relationship pretty well...:)
 Everyone at FLI knows the significance of this picture...

From the words of Jeremy, "FLI has been great but I'm at my 'Whit's End'!". :) It is great to be home sweet home and I'm so excited to be able to go back and visit CO at the end of May!