Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Adventure to Odyssey

One of my fondest memories from childhood took place at bedtime. My dad would tuck me in, turn off the lights and hit the "play" button on my little cassette player. Finally, I would enter into yet another exciting Adventure in Odyssey.  Most nights, I would sneak out of bed and flip the tape over to listen to another intriguing episode. I was hooked!

To my dismay, I soon discovered that Odyssey was not a real place and the characters (who became my best friends) were fictional. Nonetheless, I still hoped I could one day visit the place where Adventures in Odyssey was created- Focus on the Family in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Little did I know, 10 plus years later I would be heading out to Colorado Springs for a semester at Focus Leadership Institute. FLI is a one semester journey through the how's and why's of Christian faith. College students come from all over the U.S. to explore a unique academic approach to leadership in the areas of marriage, family, church, society and comparative worldviews. Also, you are given the opportunity to have hands on experience with an internship (I will find out my placement when I arrive) specifically relating to your field of study.

 So, it is my goal (hopefully) to give updates along the way of all I am learning, seeing and experiencing while at FLI. I head out to Colorado early Tuesday morning and will be moving in/ going to orientation for the first week. I look forward to updating soon!



  1. I can't wait to follow your journey sweet Liza! Hope all is well with you! Love you girl!

  2. Liza,
    Sorry I didn't respond to your letter but I want you to know that I promise to pray daily for you! Wow! What an opportunity! God Bless your time there.

  3. I found your blog! Thanks and praying for you.

  4. I'm so glad you are here in CO! I look forward to reading your blog! Love you Liza!

  5. This will be my 1st time following a blog..looking forward to hearing what great things God is going to do in your life while you are there! Keeping you in my prayers!

  6. Thank y'all for following me on this exciting journey! I appreciate all of your prayers and support. Love y'all!
