Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Climb

It's hard to believe I have been in Colorado for 2 weeks. At times, I feel like I just arrived. However, the friendships and community that has formed so quickly makes me feel like I have been here for months. As people have begun to ask how I like it so far I can honestly say, I love it. I can't imagine being anywhere else. The professors are phenomenal, the FLI staff are so loving and encouraging and Colorado is beautiful!!

 Before we arrived, all the students gave their top three choices for their internship. My first choice was with a lady who does marriage and parenting seminars and broadcasting. My second choice was counseling. I knew that God would place me where I needed to be. When I found out I was interning with the counseling department, I was nervous and skeptical that it wasn't the right placement. However, I quickly realized that it is exactly where God wanted me to be. I have already learned so much from interacting with different counselors on staff. They are so helpful and supportive!

This past Saturday, I decided it was time to embark on an "adventure". After arriving here, I quickly learned 2 things: everyone in Colorado loves the outdoors and they are all athletic (a little bit of a generalization but true). So, I put on my hiking gear (the little gear a FL girl has) and headed out to climb the Incline. Which is this:
The Incline is basically 1 mile up of stairs (3,000 to be exact). It is pretty much death and the hardest thing physically I have done in a long time. From the time we set out on the hike, I knew it was going to be challenging. Not only was I not in top notch shape but I also was still fighting against the high altitude. As I started out, I was pumped. Ya, it was going to be difficult but I was optimistic.

About 100 steps later I was wheezing, my legs felt like jello and I wanted to turn around. What in the world was I thinking? I'm not in shape. I can't do this. This is crazy! Unfortunately, turning around was quite potentially just as dangerous. Considering how steep it was...
So, I continued on remembering the wise words from a local who had done the Incline numerous times, "Just take one step at a time. Don't look back and keep focused on the next step as you remind yourself that the beautiful view will be worth it".

FINALLY, after a brutal hour and fifteen minutes I made it to the top! 

The thing I love best about a hard hike is the analogy of a Christ follower. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, "Do you know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. Everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They then do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; but I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified."

At times, the climb seems unbearable. It would be easier to turn around and go back to the "former self"(at times I do). But by the grace of God, I keep climbing. Taking the next step and looking forward to the imperishable prize. Looking to Him, the author and perfecter of faith. He is there even in the pain and hardship. His lovingkindness is better than life.


  1. Liza! I saw your post on facebook and just read this... so well-stated! I am so proud of you! (spiritually and physically...for this most recent accomplishment) :) Keep climbing Eliza and let our Lord and Savior hold your hand and pull you up when your strength fails you and when you are weak! I love you so much and miss you tons. I think I owe you a phone call. Hopefully, I will get to that soon. :) I will be praying for you now that I know what you are doing. Have SO much fun! xoxo Learn lots for me.

  2. We are proud of you girl and very encouraged by you walk (I mean this one is cool, but I was referring to your relationship with God)! Can't wait to read more!

  3. So excited about what the Lord is doing in your life Lizey! I love you and would love to catch up soon!

  4. Thanks, Melody! I am looking forward to our phone date:)
    Chad! Thanks for reading! I'm hoping to visit ATL when I return!
    Kays, I would love to catch up with you too! I'll try to call ya soon!

    Love you all!
